Rudolf Schock Benno Kusche 'Noch' ne opera " H. Erhardt (Photo: Image + Wireless 1979)
Rudolf Schock sings in an opera parody Heinz Erhardt

Rudolf Schock sings in an opera parody Heinz Erhardt
But I'm beginning to Jacques Offenbach (1819-1880) on with the music genre 'operetta' in 1858, a true triumph begins (see also 'RS sings Nico Dostal' ).
Offenbach's 'operetta' 'Orpheus in the Underworld (Orpheus in the Underworld)' is the very first feature-length music drama, the 'shameless' parodied and ridiculed. The pomposity and Selstgefälligkeit a fairly closed circle die-hard 'art experts' - such as the highly regarded at the time of Offenbach's operas of Christoph Willibald von Gluck, and Giacomo Meyerbeer around - are laid wide open, unchanging gods and heroes from classical antiquity, which should serve in the theaters as a model of humanity, a variety of human weaknesses attributed prince d un
their royal household increased caricature to Jae mmerlichen, but also infamous riders. Offenbach's musical creativity and sharp eye on human behavior invented the operetta 'AT HER BEST'!

Linking Jacques Offenbach (Photo lorgnette) and Heinz Erhardt is - seems' s - an impossible step. But I still dare to go out Erhardt 'Ten Penny Opera' from the Years 1948 (1978 to 'Noch' ne Oper 'fashioned ) insert in the Offenbach tradition. So I have asked you to consider 'yet' nen composers' , and the name
read online there are all sorts of Heinz Erhardt, hear and see. For me, so no need to go into detail on all his words and deeds. In addition, it sends that I behave modestly: German to their versatile Lieblingskomeriker without doubt much better estimate than a Dutchman can. Although I am amazed by a story in Westermann's 'cultural diary from 1900 to today' (Brunswick 1984 - 1st edition): "And if, during the early eighties, the roving eye of the nostalgic transfiguration itself kidney-shaped and egg-headed Veteran those time, Heinz Erhardt, rediscovered, then behind it probably also the longing for an era that still was more successful in displacing the anxieties than ours "(Rainer Wagner's essay" Against the solidification). It is clear in the sequel to this essay, why look ahead Rainer Wagner wants: a nostalgic "flight from reality is not without pitfalls. But testifies It also should not of "freezing" if a look ahead (r) only, and never look back in amazement and admiration? For example, on a phenomenon such as Heinz Erhardt?
Erhardt was a thousand Sasa: comedians, comedian / actor, poet / writer, entertainer and musician / composer. He played in many films, and was as emcee / stage actors / comedians (see on 'YouTube' Others 'The Storm' from the year 1959) especially in the five-and sixties excessively popular. His humor springs from word games, original ideas, foolish Exaggeration, surprising contradictions and concisely spells out precisely formulated life.
(By Julia Denuell painted Affiche 100th birthday Erhardt)
In the years 1978 and 1979 he prepared with his son Gero (born 1942) and the composer Peter Thomas a TV version of "Ten Penny Opera 'before. As a director is the experienced Claus Peter Witt (born in 1942) tightened.
On 21 February 1979 - Erhardt was just on 20 February 70 years old now - can radiate radio ZDF from the opera. A few months later dies Heinz Erhardt.
'Noch' ne Oper '
(text: Heinz Erhardt / Music: Heinz Erhardt and Peter Thomas)

in foreground from left to right Schramm, Kusche, shock (Photo: image + Funk 1979)
'Noch' ne Oper ' is an opera parody, by Heinz Erhardt "a cabaret opera" called their music non-stop and blithely quotes from operas, operettas and folk melodies. It is in itself an attraction to try title and composer of the well-known melodies that glow briefly in all sorts of instrumental transitions, á la minute to guess. Wagner 'Flying Dutchman' and Verdi's 'Aida' pass, Beethoven 'All men are brothers' sounds, and then there are also including Schubert, Von Weber, Lortzing, Lehár, Johann Strauss Jr., Mozart and the folk song 'must because i ' to the musical Grabbelkasten (new German word - kdl) further enrich.
Even the plot is reminiscent of known music dramas: Clothilde, Ritter Lloyd's wife, throws like Puccini Tosca of the castle walls, and in the two bloody duels plus execution in the end we see the stereotype of many violent opera finale again. The story is simple: Lloyd and vultures are friendly view robber barons. Clothilde is delighted with vulture eye, and this delight is bilateral. The couple loves each other in private, but this does not remain hidden, and four people to die. Heinz Erhardt is in his element: the opera is pure comic exaggeration and paradoxical nonsense. Or, these paradoxes have just good sense? In the epilogue of the opera spoof finds the audience: . "You make 'serious matters' not happy by treating them seriously only 'happy things' are worth to be treated seriously." I get the impression that the comedian Heinz Erhardt is grimly amused about the deadly seriousness, which is not often spoken of the ivory tower of both artists as critics of literature, visual arts and music and written. Erhardt also allows for two breaks in the opera theater personality
Loriot (photo) occur of the 'socially critical depth together with the unique and historical importance of the Erhardt-art' explained . Somewhere else in the text it can be said Loriot: "There was Johann Sebastian Bach in Leipzig, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in Vienna, Richard Wagner in Bayreuth, and there was Heinz Erhardt ZDF". The contrast between classic operatic style and silly scenes and texts makes a lot of fun: in the first act draws vultures look fierce and solemnly on something like a m rocking horse in the castle. Host Lloyd offers him a cup of wine, but vultures view repeated monotonous and endless falsetto that he could so early in the morning really can not tolerate alcohol. Clothilde sings repeatedly in the same act in their 'big aria, "they" took a bath, but the water was too cold ", and a special nod goes from the' brilliant 'composer " with brilliant ease " composed, 'greater than greatest love duet' Clothilde Vulture View (Act 2) from: "Because you love me, I'm so happy because you love me, I'm so glad" . The year is 1979, and Rudolf Schock and Margit Schramm present themselves to the television audience one more time - emphasizes ironic (!) - as the beloved 'operetta dream couple of the sixties' .

Erhardt an hour permanent TV Opera can - after a few glasses of wine - divided 'on scientifically responsible manner' as follows :
1) Preparations for the opera
2) The first act of the opera
3) Loriot on the socially critical importance of this opera
4) Second act of the opera
5) Loriot about this opera in historical perspective
6th) The Gone with the Wind, worldwide reception of the opera
7) third act of the opera
8) Epilogue: "Only happy things are worth serious to be treated"
The actual act of 'Noch' ne Oper ' lasts from 1979, despite the pompous announcement' three act 'not much longer than their original form ' The Ten Penny Opera ', has only one act. This title refers both playful and modest to the 'Threepenny Opera' (1928) by Kurt Weill / Bertolt Brecht. The double life of TV production produced primarily by the addition of some 'Making of' scenes, which get the "very artistic" people in the TV film, the opportunity to wear their vanity to review on .
of the old, half an hour lasting radio version brought out 'Berlin Classics' in their Heinz Erhardt-Special Edition CD, which the Wagner bass Gustav Neidlinger the Lloyd and the (mainly) singing operetta tenor Rupert Glawitsch the vulture eye.
The TV movie was until now (still) never published professionally on DVD or CD, but is probably in the archives of 'German Film' (Museum of Film and Television) in Berlin. As far as I know it must be possible, looking at him there.
The cast of 'Noch' ne Oper ' ZDF invited in 1978, a wide selection of then-known personalities from the German speaking world of film, theater, television (broadcast) and Music Reviews Heinz Erhardt who do not speak so since 1971, is regarded as 'Mysterious mute man in a city park' to , but with Using old radio recordings now and still listen to . His former role of the narrator is taken in large part by the cartoonist, writer, film director and television writer Loriot ( Vicco von Bülow, born 1923) . This is - as I mentioned - as a 'socially committed scientists' to 'expert comments' to the opera.
The very extraverted bass-baritone Benno Kusche (1916-2010) sings and plays effectively a pompous knight Lloyd (In one of the next articles I will certainly return to Benno Kusche). Kusche and shock were versatile singer, who met regularly in opera and operetta: including the EMI Studios Richard Wagner 'Parsifal' (Berlin 1956) and € Disc Studio for 'Gypsy Baron' of Johann Strauss Jr. (Berlin 1964). Operetta diva Margit Schramm (1935-1996 , see 'RS sings Nico Dostal' ) is a calculating, cold Clothilde that - only the 'love duet' with Rudolf Schock apart - emphatically not to their past, operetta, and reminds the grotesque representation of the 'Knight of the Sorrowful' vulture eye prepares Rudolf Schock large
e enthusiasm.

to 'Making-of' scenes and a flashback (with Heinz Erhardt with 'man in the park' and Chris 'games with records' - Howland as a 'man who tried in vain to indemnify the lawns of paper waste' - Photo: photo + radio are 1979) - sometimes very short - all other to see employees: Film actor Gert 'Goldfinger' Fröbe , Cornelia
Froboess (photo) that emerged from youth idol to acclaimed actress, actor Harald Juhnke , pianist / bandleader Paul Kuhn (he is in the opera of 'conductor'), actor and Fernseh-Show/Quizmaster Hans-Joachim Kulenkampff , singer Evelyn Künneke (daughter of Edward K0mponisten Künneke) the actresses Inge Meysel and and Liselotte Pulver - Golf Course - Film and Stage legend Heinz Ruehmann .

Gert Frobe, Heinz Ruehmann

Krijn de Lay, 16.11.2010 * next time. After Eysler: Rudolf Schock sings * Leo Fall
(NB: 'Rudolf Schock sings Hans Ebert / Hans Bethge' returns in mid-December 2010!)
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