mural in Dun Huang from the period of the Tang Dynasty

Rudolf sings shock
Music: Hans Ebert
Text: Hans Bethge
Hans Ebert (1889-1952)
About Hans Ebert may an anno 2010 are almost no more information. He is well known today in a remarkably long series of specific composers, in the 1st Part of the last century German-language text editions of old Chinese poems set to music. Photos by Hans Ebert missing.
Hans Bethge (1876-1946)

The poet and writer Hans Bethge's escape from oblivion, although it appears that in literary circling his artistic skill was quite controversial, and probably still is, situated in the Far East Bethge Poems are adaptations of existing translations from Chinese. Bethge could not speak Chinese. He was playing - in the eyes of literary criticism - the big man with "poetry from second-hand" (Adorno). Positive statements from renowned writers such as Rainer Maria Rilke, Stefan Zweig and Hermann Hesse could not change that. I suspect Bethge let themselves properly with the equally controversial literary Karl May (1842-1912) compare , the creators of Old Shatterhand, Winnetou, and Kara Ben Nemsi, playing his trip novels primarily in North America and the Middle East.
It is however noteworthy that librettist Hans Bethge was in the musical world far and wide admired for the delicacy of his Neudichtungen of (among others) Chinese poetry and praised. The arrangements proved namely as an exotic inspiration to all kinds of compost ion of large and small (re) r composer: Gustav Mahler 'Song of the Earth' , which cited a large extent, Bethge's text would qualify for a most impressive example. But Richard Strauss, Arnold Schoenberg, Gottfried von Einem, Ernst Krenek and Anton Webern used Bethge's poems, and operetta composer Franz Lehár suspended Bethge's poetry collection order for his 'Land of Smiles' the poem 'pear blossoms' into intimate 'a wreath of flowers Apel' .
a 2300 year old Chinese
The Chinese verse by Hans Bethge edited, are from the period of Tang Dynasty , the almost uninterruptedly 618-907 BC lasted, and is considered a high point in Chinese culture. During the Tang Dynasty witnessed a tremendous flowering of the arts, and one of its legendary

Rudolf Schock sings Hans Ebert
in 2005 brought the Swiss CD label for relief Rudolf shocks 90th A birthday - which relates to program, excellent sound quality and features-out double-CD, as I said in the past three years, many times. Relief that the cassette to the track 'Rudolf Schock, Germany's great lyric tenor' (relief CR 3001) mitgibt leads the listener through shocks very wide repertoire (period 1946-1953) and inserts the CD a few fragments from Handel 'Messiah' , Bruckner 'Great Mass' and 'Five Chinese Songs' by Ebert / Bethge added. The issue at that time was in 2005 eight new releases, among which the Chinese songs.
(NB: The Chinese songs are now also at a gala cassette ('chamber singer Rudolf Shock GL 100 672) before the year 2009 But are there among many other art songs (by Schubert, Schumann. etc.), the sound quality remains strongly behind the original Electrola / EMI recordings.)
I had this book 'Rudolf Schock sings Hans Bethge' called, I had to mention determined, shock have shown countless times Lehár 'a wreath of apple blossoms' , of which there are on record and / or CD alone five shots. And I certainly would have recalled Rudolf Schock and the contralto Margaret Klose sang under the baton of Hans Schmidt-Isser Mahler's 'Song of the Earth' (Hamburg, 1948). But I have to 'prima' assume 'la musica' and Hans Ebert is responsible only for the beautiful music of 'Five Chinese Songs' .
The 'Five Chinese Songs' (idiosyncratic) summarized
Track 1 ("In F rühlingsgarten ...', the musical (pleasantly) by Richard Strauss -influence is sings about the happy people (Li-Bai - see drawing) in the spring garden, has made him a poet, if the flowers in the garden have long since passed, they will still bloom in the soul of the poet ... .
Track 2 ('Seven trotting horse ...') outlines by brief, but descriptive keywords, and accents of Chinese emphasizes seemingly composed music, around seven trotting horses at an inn, where seven writing, old men and "an old hag" are (it is thus written (?), so I beg your pardon - kdl). But fortunately - because spring is here, and the wine tastes good - there are seven young girls, and the "connect an n. .. come in".
Track 3 ('Once out of my grave ...'): will pop out of my grave once countless, red tulips. For I feel a hot burning desire for the beloved. A large fire burns in me. It must therefore probably be so - even if it is a miracle - that I will one day as a dead person no matter how glowing (red) ...
song 4 ('The young people love ...') : The youth loves colored robes, just as the spring gardens in their magnificent colors. "But woe: Who - he was so young - emigrated to foreign countries with a " black mourning clothes ... "
song 5 ('The Peach blossoms flutter flutter ...'): The peach blossoms in the spring air, trees reflected in the stream. But the scent of the plum trees I find "flabby and tired." Verses "hard slide from my lips "..." Come on, sweet night, choking my misery" and let me sleep in your "much loved" arms ...
The recordings
were May 1951, made a year before Hans Ebert's death in the Berlin RIAS (Radio in the American sector). Rudolf Schock is on the piano by Herbert Heinemann accompanied, in the fifties, was also worked as a concert pianist. There he LP recordings with the orchestra Harry Hermann and the North West German Philharmonic Orchestra under Wilhelm shy. He plays with Schüchter Gershwin 'Rhapsody in Blue' s Addinsell 'Warsaw Concerto' . By Herbert Heinemann is surprisingly little available.
"Germany's Rudolf Schock" - he was one of those days 35 years - in 1951 vocal 'at his very, very best': shock melting and singing is very smooth, He and the Far East with songs from all my heart literally . It is the sound engineers of relief succeeded in that - as I understand - to restore rather poor sound of the old Rundfunkaufnamen so that shine and natural shocks voice come across to advantage.
Krijn de Lege, 10/14/2010
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