" Der deutsche Gigli "

an idea of how great sang Rudolf Schock in 1945 the role of Ernesto, do you get when you look at the sinnbetörende night duet sounds. It stands on various shock solo CDs of opera fragments (eg on laser LC Light Classics CD 74 503 24 865 and Sonia) . There is no Live fragment from an opera performance in 1944, but a live recording taken from a 1946 Berlin radio show. That Irma Beilke also shocks 'Norina' is, this recording is of particular importance.

In Belcore and Dulcamara still flows through the 'opera-buffa' blood through the veins. But they behave more nuanced: Belcore plays the macho, is However, a sporty losers. Dulcamara is similar to those business people who mt during the entire history of the world an unquenchable thirst for money mate a nimble tongue.
Donizetti's music

music reviewer Leo belt, in his 'Groot Operaboek' (1959) still 'Elixir of Love' was in the German speaking countries never as popular as 'Don Pasquale' been. has

that Rudolf Schock June 1950 all done well by Donizetti 'love potion' make popular in Germany, may become clear from the 'time' text, which my essay opens. With shock sang and played Rita Streich (according to the biography: " a delightful Adina" ) Ruth Keplinger (Giannetta), Heinrich Pflanzl (Dulcamara) and Kurt Rehm (Bellcore). Hans Werner Löwlein conducted and cup has directed. A music critic (Horst Koegler), which was an eye and ear witness noticed in 1965 in 'Fonoforum' that he later became a "amusing, sparkling, Donizetti near 'love potion' not (even with the Italian original) is very I often re-experienced. " shocks Nemorino he remembers as "beguiling."
- 15/07/1950: radio recording from Berlin 'Una furtiva lagrima' with you Hans Löwlein (oa Relief CR 3001/Laserlight Classics LC 24 865)
- 1952: Radio host 'asking me why the Zephyr (directory ask all'aura lusinghiera)' with Rita Streich and Director Robert Heger (membrane-231 832 Documents)
- 25/08/1955: Studio recording from Bielefeld 'Una furtiva lagrima' with you Wilhelm Schüchter (LP! op EMI E 2008/09/Edition 2000)
- 06/25/1955: studio consumption from Bielefeld 'Heimlich from her eye' with you Wilhelm Schüchter (EMI CDZ 7 67 184 2)
- 1955 studio recording 'secretly from her eye' for the movie 'The Happy Wanderer' with ( Mr. Ludwig I thank you very much for this Stumpff ! Supplement) Dir Egon Kaiser (The film 'The Happy Wanderer' has to date not released on DVD)
- February 1962, Berlin studio recording of the entire opera 'Elixir of Love' with Stina-Britta Melander (Adina), Lothar Ostenburg (Bellcore), Ludwig Welter (Dulcamara), Roswitha Bender (Giannetta), the Berlin Chamber Choir and the Berlin Symphony Orchestra. Dir ERNST March VILLAGES (LPs! on disc € 300 070-420/Fernsehfilm has disappeared)
- 12/06/1963: Studio recording from Bamberg 'Una furtiva lagrima' with you Wilhelm Schüchter (LP! optical disc 70 608 € 78 571 IU and KR)
- 09/01/1965: Live live recording from Munich 'Una furtiva lagrima' with you Arego Quadri (in private)
In connection with the Berlin premiere of the 30th June 1950 could be called the 15 days later, radio host of Nemorinos (Italian) sung romance with law 'historic' . Moreover, it is the same Hans Löwlein (1909 -? ) who has the musical director. Something like that must be on 30 have sounded in June shocks "Applause winter storms rewarded Belcanto: on the top of his vocal abilities, as 'mezza voce' specialist in the footsteps of Beniamino Gigli kicking. This image, which appeared first in 1985, is abundantly available on CD. In total shock seven 'Una furtiva lagrima' recordings I come back even further. Also under Robert Heger (1886-1978) recorded a duet from the 1st Act of the opera will not differ greatly from the way in which Rita Streich and Rudolf have been singing the same duet shock two years earlier on the stage. Also, I still talk like this.
Rita Streic h (1920-1987) is without doubt one of the greatest coloratura singers of the last century. It was taught by including the legendary sopranos Maria Ivogün and Erna Berger, and began her career in 1943 with the tricky role of Zerbinetta in 'Ariadne auf Naxos "by Richard Strauss . In 1954 she was singing in good company of Elisabeth Schwarzkopf, Irmgard Seefried and Rudolf Schock the same role in the overall intake of 'Ariadne' under von Karajan. Buy after the war (1946) are met Rita Streich and Rudolf Schock for the first time in a joint concert in Oebisfelde. The fee was to eat from all kinds, because money had become worthless. After the concert they went " packed rich" home.
made his debut in this same year 1946 Rita Streich at the Berlin State Opera in the roles of Olympia ( 'Tales of Hoffmann' of Offenbach: see photo German Fotothek ) and Blonde ( 'Abduction from the Serail ' of Mozart). In 'Rigoletto' by Verdi she sang alongside Rudolf Schock, Josef Metternich, and again, and with shock in 'L'Elisir d'amore' . Came to Berlin and Vienna after the singer triumphs in the world. Starting from 1974 gave further Rita strike the riches of their musical experience to young, aspiring singers. In the booklet with the CD 'with Rudolf Schock in the world of operetta (Vol. 2)' Thomas Voigt told by the way, Rita Streich was in the early fifties under the name 'Gina Berger' occurred ('Berger' was the surname of her husband). On-called shock-CD (EMI 7243 5 85 286 2 6) sings the 'mysterious Gina Berger' two fragments from Georg Jarno operetta 'The Ranger Chris' . Voigt suspects that young Rita Streich did not want to be known as a pop singer, but also it could be possible that the status of operetta singer to be not so favorable for its opera and songs assesses career. Why else would the 'Ranger Chris' recordings were sung under a pseudonym?
The complete recording of "L'Elisir d'amore 'led the 1962
me shortly on the blog text ': ' Rudolf Schock: Singer and actor (3) 'domain. In '1959 - 1986 ' I wrote: "In the course of 1959, Rudolf shocks voice seems a little less flexible, the highest registration costs more power ".......... Friedrich Herzfeld (author of a short biography of shock and music critic) notes that in 1960 Rudolf Schock ..... charming in the French opera 'If I Were King (Si j'étais Roi)' sings and dreams .... but also that he probably has a little trouble with the high notes " little further, I noticed, however. " ... remain unaffected charm, charisma, charm, musical talent, conviction, excellent text handling and over all the natural simplicity of his presentation " It is this combination of features, the music critic Thomas Voigt 2004 initiates the rhetorical question. " .. how many singers gave it their qualities over the years eased to compensate so well knew how Rudolf Schock? " This exercise is repeated with the background for what follows.
1960-The success of the French, comic opera 'Si j'étais Roi' ( see also 'RS sings Adolphe Adam' ) as TV movie (and on the record) inspired 1962 a second TV movie + record-Gesamtaufname another comic opera. This time from the Italian repertoire. As the 'Si j'étais Roi' movie ' praised at a Berlin Adam -idea, as it was linked (with the same singers, conductors, and the same director), could ' L'Elisir d'amore film ' remember a vaunted Berlin Donizetti -performance. The period between the stage version of 'L'Elisir d'amore' and their TV reception was more than 10 years! 'Si j'étais Roi' was even recorded and performed still in the same year. Of the people who had made the opera 1950 for success, there were only Rudolf Schock and opera director Werner cup still available. Nevertheless, the temptation had been great to be making films and recordings. Werner Kelch had just found a lot of recognition for his Enszenierung the Adam's opera on stage and on television, and shock was " been created for the role of a fisherman in love with the Adam-opera like (Herzfeld). It was therefore a logical step, in addition to shock and the conductor of 'Si j'étais Roi' (Ernst March villages) and their female lead (Stina-Britta Melander) engage .
building of the Berlin Wall (1961) indirectly caused shock break with 'EMI / Electrola' (Source: Der Spiegel 48/1962)
February 1958 Rudolf Schock announces its exclusive contract with EMI / Electrola. He promises but "to continue to sing for Electrola, EMI long-producer Fritz Ganss (Photo: Rudolf Schock) there remains active" . Built in 1961 the GDR, the Berlin Wall. EMI / Electrola moved all their activities in Berlin to Cologne. Fritz Ganss not want to go to Cologne and remains in his Berlin apartment. On 30 September 1962 he moved from Electrola over to Ariola Sonopress and then works only for new classical label Ariolas ' € Disc' . Rudolf Schock to go, and it follows sound engineer Horst Lindner, part of the host team, the secretary, and "several typists. Electrola "asked the district court issued a temporary injunction against Berlin Rudolf Schock: He should be allowed to sing for € Disc . The application against Electrola the singer is dismissed. A second injunction against Ariola Sonopress to competing, thick green bar at the top of the 'Eurodisc'-plate cover is not rejected. The 'love potion' total intake is the first of many records, which has made since 1962 for Rudolf Schock Ariola / € disc.
reactions on the television broadcast of "L'Elisir d'amore (The Elixir of Love) '
I can not find, but some secondary signals can be seen, that television opera well received was: after the 1st Broadcast on 13 January 1963 Donizetti's 'Elixir of Love' by ZDF is repeated on New Year's 1965th The Austrian opera critic Marcel Prawy shows on television fragments of the shipment in his opera magazine. The integral audio tape released (later) on LP records. A detailed cross-section follows. € published in the seventies, the total disc recording again in an album of photos from the TV movie. Nowadays the opera on commercial CDs are still not available at!
reactions to the recording session
Loebl and Werba see 'opera on records (1983)' execution rather "drastically as elegant, but if you take into account, one is with this recording serves not bad" . Harold Rosenthal tried in 'Opera on Record (1979)' , shock'm getting older, Stina-Britta Melander is a colorless heroine, and Bellcore / Dulcamara were " unidiomatic" has (somehow the way they sing German to ) do.
most negative Horst Koegler is in the music magazine 'Fonoforum (1965)' . First, he refers to the " sparkling, Donizetti close" Berlin production of 1950 (see his Cheering up here). He then called Ernst March villages musical direction " lackluster" , " inflexible" and insensitive ". Completely "un- donizetti way" was - after Koegler -. March villages' decision to support the secco recitatives with an apparently even greater electroacoustic harpsichord " He also criticized almost all the soloists, except one. And if you expect this one will be soloist in the context of my blog articles Rudolf Schock well be mistaken. Only Ludwig Welter as Dulcamara - by Koegler - was a good " buffo cantante" . Shock, however, has problems with height and is "short of breath" , Lothar Ostenburg often " to burly" , and the poor Stina-Britta Melander " vulgar" : "She has a body whose very timbre nagging gets on my nerves."
In the Netherlands Leo is enthusiastic about the inclusion belt just extraordinary. Unfortunately I have not the criticism, but I still remember belt is a pity that something so beautiful rarely or never reach the Dutch screens. One line stuck in my head in: ".... and I (belt) not known baritone Lothar Ostenburg is not to be despised, too. "
'Liebestrank' production under an unlucky star.
first so there was the political and factual and legal issues. Then there were the - in my view - artistic underestimation and ultimately the (provisional) fact that the 'Accord-TV movie' is missing. In addition, the bass player died Ludwig Welter suddenly in the 47 years of age, two years after he sang Dulcamara. And in 1971, died Lothar Ostenburg in even younger age.
In 'RS sings Adolphe Adam' I reported the soprano Stina-Britta Melander was harvested from time to time in response to its share of 'Si j'étais Roi' (1960) less good reviews. This Swedish singer in 1949 by the famous tenor Jussi Björling and 1954 from which be adopted by Beniamino Gigli was strongly encouraged to develop the singing career continues to have one (me) impressive voice. Your final high notes are stressful, and quantity and tone of the middle and lower voice conjures up for me even a Callas-feeling.
A month ago, las I reviews from the web including Göran Forsling (MusicWeb International), which my doubts whether I could probably still hear well, took away. Forsling discusses a double CD that starts with playing a test board for HMV, the Stina-Britta Melander started at 14 years. Even then fell to the comfortable high notes and her talent for coloratura singing. The greatest successes wins Melander 1958-1973. In 1958 she sings the role of Glauce in 'Medea' Cherubini "with a chrystal clear voice and perfect coloratura" , 1959, after a sensational German debut as Violetta ( 'La Traviata' ) in Wiesbaden 52 times before the curtain called. Imselben year, she sings with vi success el the 'favorite role' in Zerbinetta 'Ariadne auf Naxos' next to Lisa Della Casa (Della Casa (left), Melander (right) archive Ilse Buhs / Jürgen Remmler) . The H ighlights Forsling songs on CD by Max Reger, Mimi's aria expects from 'La Bohème' aria from Donizetti AND Norinas 'Don Pasquale': "a high spot ... recorded in 1959 and sung in Italian Norina is where her witty and alluring (has humor and format).
the 'love potion' I've heard Recent again many times!
And - I assure you I hnen - T has rank! March villages Ernst (1921-2009) , the Austrian " Mozart conductor who knows how to bring out fine detail to sound" (Thomas Voigt 2004), seems to be the more serious undertones of the work sent. The fact is that Nemorino walking around with thoughts of suicide: Romanis in both text and translation of the tree in Green-Mineur romance ('Una furtiva lagrima') he wants just one more time to conform to Adina 'To hear the beating of her heart' . He thinks it knock only for him, although his was not aware of the Adina. Yes, and then he would die! 'For Love (d'amor)' , according to Romani, 'satisfied' , to green tree. The harpsichord accompaniment (See 'Knaurs Grand Opera Encyclopedia 1999' ) of the sung recitatives is meant by Donizetti. It has been reinforced not acoustically. Horst Lindner it has only been well received. Lothar East Castle (1
928-1971) , whose name actually is Oostenbrug Lloyd, and was born in Iowa (USA), is an ironic Belcore with lush baritone voice. Ludwig Welter (1917-1965) is suitable as Dulcamara. The 'word cascade' roll him skilfully on the tongue, but I still keep the feeling that it would have been sitting more color in the role. Welter was in many roles - including stresses in Italian opera - at the Vienna State Opera to hear. Roswitha Bender sings with small but lovely voice Adina's confidante Giannetta. It is irresistible with the ladies of the Berlin Chamber Choir in 'whisper Chörchen' (I prefer to call 'gossip Chörchen' ) right in the first Stina-Britta Melander act is a star attraction: her coloratura are stung, their musical Sensitivity of Donizetti's music admirably. Goose bumps every time when the beginning of the aria that precedes the final duet, Nemorino returns the detached contract with the two words: 'So (with vibrato loose Crescendo) take (with diminuendo)'. Melander shows spirit and size, irony and compassion. It is an ideal, emancipated Adina, from which everyone thinks directly that she is fine position to manage a business. Finally Rudolf shocks Nemorino: older but not too old to convince as a younger man. With ever decreasing Intuition - making sure to line villages in March - the focus from proven 'Italian way' relocating to the dramatic and declamatory tragedy, intended for Nemorino Donizetti might have meant. 'Dyspnoea' there really are not in shock. Probably cost him an isolated high tone power, but such a moment as many significant moments with respect to: Sch
Ock simplicity and naturalness that belong just to Nemorino; Glaubenswürdigkeit the desperation in the 1st Final ('O, sir!) ; the dull sadness, which he begs Adina ' 'marry Belcore, the then sung ' not only today, Adina, I think ' that Adina's (and my) heart melts. But everything remains on growing the way, like a tenor, the romance of the 2nd Act given.
(Another quick note: In detail - all the way, completely absorbed - duet with Rita Streich from 1952 shocks Nemorino is expressive vocal and strong. Besides this virility but Nemorino has an Italian flair that could be called in relation to Adina rather than brave as shy. Rita Streich sounds not find this Nemorino as the logical Adina: its youthful silver song - how gorgeous too - not enough to characterize the intelligent and emancipated woman, Adina. This is Stina-Britta Melander 10 years later more easily by hand).
In search of supplementary material on 'Una furtiva lagrima' I heard recordings of
- Placido Domingo : Do not believable as Nemorino: too heavy . Technically perfect, without exaggeration.
- Luciano Pavarotti (later video recording 'With the handkerchief'): Pavarotti sings "Pavarotti" and not "Nemorino"
- Fritz Wunderlich : golden voice, but sings instead of Haendel Donizetti. Spun romance takes more than 6 minutes. The text ( 'good came from my heart a sigh to me her' ) is the modern German translation by Wilhelm Zentner.
- Enrico Caruso (1904: 31 years old): Demonstrates simple, two small ornaments. Fully convinced as Nemorino. Remarkably fast execution: 4.13 minutes
- Rudolf Schock: all versions take about 4:30 minutes.
In the two German sung recordings from 1955, you can hear shock 'Italian way' prominent: a German bel canto without exaggeration. In the au ch German presentation in full 'love potion' (1962) Rudolf Schock selected for the 'simplicity of the song'. His 'Italian way' limited to a single moment. The song tells of Nemorinos last wish: he is convinced that Adina loves him. The tear proof of that, but it is nothing come of it. He has to be content with his lot. His only desire is 'very briefly' to be with her and hear the beating of her heart. When he reached it, he can 'die happy in love' . With a short, simple pressure on the third syllable of the last time sung little word 'satisfied' , shocks Nemorino is a line under his life. Just before the singer does with only a slight delay and a single accent 'the grave that opens' already visible. The song is over.
It is also remarkable that a similar threat in a prescient metaphor from the 1st Current sounds (Duet Adina, Nemorino: 'ask' but why the breeze ... '): Nemorino sees itself as the source of the rocks down, up to the sea is loseth, ' where death they are cold 'receives . summarized to : less 'melting', a lot more depth.
For the 'melting' there is more shocks Italian sung romances: 1950 - under a differentiated directing Hans Löwlein - the most beautiful with Rudolf Schock in top form, both in the bel canto, as the dramatic intensity concerns. In 1955, he is under Wilhelm Schüchter beautiful singing of the version in 1950 to almost nothing. In 1963 - again under Schüchter - his cautious, Italian representation tends to the considerations that must have led to the interpretation of 1962nd The Last Romance - live in Munich - was sung in 1965 in a concert under the Italian conductor Arego Quadri . In addition to shock sang in this concert, the soprano Claire Watson and baritone Tom Krause . One again 'Italian' Rudolf Schock shows with this recording, to what an impressive Nemorino he was in the sixties still capable.
Krijn de Lay, 8 februari 2010
The inclusion of 'Lucia di Lammermoor' with like Erika Köth, Josef Metternich and Rudolf Schock comes in the month of March: 'RUDOLF SCHOCK SINGS GAETANO DONIZETTI (2)' turn.
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