Engraving von William Miller für Walter Scott's Bride of Lammermoor "

Im Jahre 1819 verfasst Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832) the historical novel "The Bride of Lammermoor" , und composed in 1835

librettist Salvatore Cammarano based the libretto with a light hand on Scott's novel: Lucy of Lammermoor likes of Edgard Ravenswood with all my heart. Lucia and Edgard meet each other regularly in secret. Lucia's brother Henry (Enrico) wants Lucia to Lord Arthur Bucklaw enters a marriage because it would fit well politically. When Henry learns Lucia had a relationship with nemesis Edgard, he blackmails them with the possibility, he, her brother, could be beheaded by the new rulers probably even if they do not marry Bucklaw. Also, he says, to know Edgard was unfaithful to her. Lucia records the marriage contract. During the festival, Edgard crashes into the room. He accused of treason Lucia (the famous sextet) . In the first wedding night

about Lucy and her sopranos
In the three years following 'L'Elisir d'amore' ( 1832) Donizetti produced again in a rapid pace of operas, of which 'Lucia di Lammermoor' is the eleventh (!). Donizetti wrote the role for the fragile Lucia

Maria Callas

The dramatic soprano Maria Callas (1923-1977) captured the dramatic and romantic operas of Donizetti (and Bellini) by a rare combination " physical strength, ardent drama of the presentation" (Kutsch/Riemens-1986) and gorgeous, instantly recognizable voice, the "in height and depth virtually unlimited" (Alfred A. Goodman -1971) seems to be. Callas does with the vocal embellishments - ornaments for the own sake - simply close: singing and playing are intended only as a credible representation of the central operatic form. Maria Callas reduced with a blow to the traditional 'bel canto' a remnant from the past. For Friedrich Herzfeld ( 'records guide for opera fans' -1962), the 'Callas Lucia' to role model for "all who have an unhappy love affair." When she sings the mad scene, fail "all attempts at description. This takes a wife farewell to the world that she loved ". The argument of the Maria Callas of the Lucia-roll is followed today by many, dramatic, talented singers. coloratura singers searched and found but others ways leading to a - just as well accepted -. led synthesis of Donizetti's 'bel canto' and the drama of Callas or the date of Callas (1959) was for the well-known, Australian soprano Joan Sutherland , and by 1956 - three years before then - for the German Koloratürsopran Erika Köth
Erika Köte .
Köth Erika (1925-1989) is 31 years old, when in a new production of the Bavarian State Opera under the legendary conductor Ferenc Fricsay the role of Lucia (or the end of 1956 this role was called 'the role of Maria Callas'?) sings. Josef Metternich (just returned from three years of Metropolitan Opera in New York) can be heard as Henry (Enrico), and the Hungarian tenor Josef Simandy as Edgard (o). The show is a huge success. It must Erika Köth between late 1956 and 1963, the period in which they in Munich about a hundred times the 'Lucia' sang, it has managed to let the audience forget Maria Callas for an evening. And that was an extremely high power. A critic who Köth in the Sixties in Munich still "experienced" told, that they "under the old ('bel canto' -) practice the game with many extra embellishments and cadenzas (varied repetitions) endowed" , but "in another way than in the Callas, was also very strongly" . Thomas Voigt in 2000 (I hope he does not take it amiss that I did so gladly quote): 'As a classic coloratura soprano Erika Köth was not for the species' Nightingales' the carefree chirping away about any deeper meaning of music. Her voice had per se character and soul ... she was able to put its resources in what Callas had demonstrated so brilliantly. "
Opera Ensemble vol world class are on the record
The fifties d ie years in which Electrola producer F

conducted W

takes early 1957 Schüchter highlights from Donizetti 'dramma tragico' 'Lucia di Lammermoor' on, of course, with Erika Köth as Lucia. Electrola published the 'Great cross-section' on LP. After 'digital remastering' 2000 recordings released on CD (EMI / Electrola. Nr 7243 8 26433 2 6) .
details' Lucia di Lammermoor "on LP / CD
Lord Henry (Enrico) Ashton: Josef Metternich, baritone
Lucia, his sister Erika Köth, soprano
Edgard (o) of (di) Ravenswood: Rudolf Schock, tenor
Lord Arthur (Arturo) Bucklaw: Manfred Schmidt, tenor
Bidebent Raimondo, Lucia's tutor: Gottlob Frick, bass
Alisa, Lucia's maid: Hertha Topper, Old
Chorus of the Berlin City Opera, conducted by Hermann Lüddecke
Elfriede Hübner: Harp Solo (CD track 1, 4)
Helmut Höwing: Flute Solo (CD-Track 13-16)
Berlin Symphony Orchestra, conductor WILHELM BULLY
Recorded: 30-31. January 1957 in Berlin (Grunewald Church)
Sound engineer: Horst Lindner
Producer: Fritz Ganss
About the recordings
is what

'........ lit the candles
Even the incense
glows It approaches the priest
Give me the rights! O day of joy!
At last I am yours, you are the mine!
We are always united ........'
('........ Ardon gl'incensi
le sacre faci Splendon, splendon intorno
Ecco il ministro! Porgimi la destra.
lieto giorno Oh, oh lieto!
Alfin son tua , alfin is mio!
A dona un Dio te Wed .......')
As Erika Köth of 'the candles that light up' sings, she really committed an assault on the heartstrings. This makes Köth with me at the very moment when they 'light up' the volume of the word withdraws suddenly. The rest of the sung words, I can no longer read, but - what luck! - Listen well.
The gu

Wilhelm Schüchter (1911-1974 - Photo: Private archive Rico Leitner )

Today, has turned the tide: his very last decade of published opera CDs are finally recognized, and one marvels at the range and quality of artistic ability. Wilhelm Schüchter could do everything: Wagner and Verdi, Puccini and Massenet, Lehár (yes, even opera!) And Donizetti, Offenbach, Mussorgsky, Tchaikovsky and Auber, Mascagni, Mozart, Beethoven, and even Richard Tauber 'You are the world to me' , which - by Rudolf Schock gesungen - Tentatively unter Leitung wurde zum Evergreen.
Krijn de Blank, 03/09/2010
(Nächstes Mal: 'SHOCKING Rudolf Dostal Nico singt " . )